ctrl + alt + T
- Published
- in "The Process is the Product", all, Antifa, Technology/2.0
Firefox came out recently with a handy free add-on called ImTranslator that allows one to select text from any digital source, hit ctrl + alt + T, and receive an immediate translation. Easy to install and easy to use. If you like it, you can make an online donation to help cover costs, I assume.
Here is an example from antifastreetart’s About page:
Nachdem dies mit dem deutschen Faschismus vernichtet wurde, entstand im konservativ geprägten Nachkriegsdeutschland mit dem Beginn der 68er Bewegung ein neuer Anlauf, die Menschen vor allem durch politische Plakatkunst zu erreichen. Unter dem Motto „Kreativität gegen Kapitalismus!“ wurden so tausende Plakate unter die Bevölkerung gebracht….
that translates in a blink of an eye to this:
After this was destroyed with the German fascism, a new approach originated in the conservatively stamped post-war German land at the beginning of the 68th movement to reach the people above all by political poster art. Under the motto „ creativity against capitalism! “ thousands of posters were brought thus under the population….