Ha ha.
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The .png shots I take for this SK blog are too small in size and too low-res to be used in any other printed matter. No surprise. It’s weird, though. I can re-save a .png shot as a .jpeg, and the file size remains the same? I can’t remember. In any case, I created a .png shot at 72 dpi, re-saved it as a 72 dpi .jpeg, and re-saved it again as 150 dpi and 300 dpi .jpegs. You’re not supposed to enlarge files like this, but I’m having Shutterfly make 5 x7-inch photographs to see how they compare in printed form. The Web site I used to make .png shots is the blog called Fighting Fire with Gasoline.
Shutterfly also offers easy POD print-on-demand publishing services for people to create personal scrap books and photo albums. I guess they took random images from folders I’ve set up to entice me to make an album, b/c what I saw today had the status of my current order juxtaposed with a sample photo album entitled “Fuck Kapitalism.”
“Check it out.” Ha ha. Can’t make this stuff up.
Also can’t make up the fact that federal funding for Planned Parenthood got axed today in the House.