Paper Bullets – an example

In conjunction with the Paper Bullets exhibition that’s on display right now at Hatch Kingdom, I included an example of an actual paper bullet to show people what they look like (see lower right). This “confetti soldier” was probably dropped from the sky by U.S. military forces during the Gulf War in 1991.


My colleague at SLU, Gisele El Khoury, helped again with the Arabic translations.  Here is the front.



هذه البداية فقط!

فعسى أن

تكون هذه قنبلة حقيقية

نرغب في المحافظة

على الأناس الأبرياء

وصدام يقودهم في

طريق الدمار والموت

المحتوم. نريدعإغلامهم


صدام هو


نعم، إن القوات المتعددة الجنسيات على

قدرة تامة بشن هجوم صاعق في أي آن أو مكان!



This is only the beginning!


this will be

a real bomb

We would like to protect

the innocent people

and Saddam is leading them

to the road of destruction and inevitable death.

We want to inform them

With the truth!

Saddam is

the reason

Yes, the multinational forces are fully able to launch a terrible attack at any time and in any place


Here is what’s on the back.



لقد عزلكم صدام عن العالم

الجامعة العربية

الجامعة العربية الإسلامية

وجمعية الامم المتحدة

جميعها أدانت أعمال صدام

وحشدت ٢٨ بلداً قوات لها

وذلك نتيجة لأعماله. وتشارك

بلدان أخرى في حشد قواتها

لا تجعل صدام سبباً لجلب الدمار


The truth

Saddam isolated you from the world

The Arabic League

The Islamic Arabic League

And the United Nations

All condemned Saddam’s actions

And 28 countries mobilized its forces

As a result of his work (I think they mean “actions”).

Other countries participate by mobilized its forces

Don’t let Saddam be a reason for bringing destruction on you!

I’ve done a fair amount of research on paper bullets, but one great source to begin with is anything by retired SGM Herbert A. Friedman, and in particular this essay called Falling Leaves. He was also interviewed about paper bullets in Cabinet Magazine in 2003. More to follow.