Book contract for “Paper Bullets”!

I signed a book contract with PM Press last week to publish Paper Bullets: 110+ Years of Political Stickers from around the World!

I’ll write the introduction and a few chapters, but I’ve invited several other notable contributors.

My contact at PM Press also suggested Lincoln Cushing and Crimethinc. Ex-Workers’ Collective, both of whom I have followed for years.

Here is the table of contents to date. Essays will each run 500-1,500 words, depending on the topic, etc.

  1. “Takin’ It to the Streets & Stickin’ It to the Man,” introduction, Tedford
  2. 1910s-80s, IWW “silent agitators” or “stickerettes,” Tedford
  3. 1960s-70s, “U.S. Out of the War in Vietnam,” Tedford
  4. 1960s-70s, “Watergate: The Proof Increases Everyday” (Richard M. Nixon), Kevin Howley
  5. 1960s-70s, “The Surrealist Political Stickers of Franklin and Penelope Rosemont,” Penelope Rosemont
  6. 1980s, “I’d Rather Be Smashing Imperialism,” Lincoln Cushing
  7. 1980s-90s, “Silence = Death” Avram Finkelstein + AIDS stickers, Tedford
  8. 1989-90s, “‘Tips for Men’ Stickers of Sister Serpents Radical Feminist Art Collective,” Jen Hoyer
  9. 2000s, “No Intel Inside” (George W. Bush) Kevin Howley
  10. 2000s, “This Phone is Tapped,” CrimethInc. Ex-Workers’ Collective
  11. 2008, “Barack Obama + Sticker Robot,” Tedford
  12. 2010s-20s “Contra la Violencia Machista: Fighting Violence Against Women in Spain,”Marina Llorente
  13. 2010s-20s, “Germany’s Football Club St. Pauli: The Pirates of the League,” Tedford
  14. 2010s, “Trumping Hope,” Kevin Howley
  15. 2020s, “Welcome to Minneapolis: Protest Stickers and the 2020 Uprising,” Todd Lawrence and Heather Shirey
  16. 2020s, Slavers of New York (Ada Reso, Maria Robles, and Elsa Eli Waithe), Tedford
  17. 2024, “¡No al Genocidio! Spanish Stickers in Solidarity with Palestine,” John Collins
  18. 2024, “About ‘SHUT RIKERS: A Brief History of Political Graphics in 15 Stickers’,” Josh MacPhee
  19. “Sticker Hootenanny” featuring several contemporary artists