Book contract for “Paper Bullets”!
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I signed a book contract with PM Press last week to publish Paper Bullets: 110+ Years of Political Stickers from around the World!
I’ll write the introduction and a few chapters, but I’ve invited several other notable contributors.
- John Collins
- Kevin Howley
- Jen Hoyer
- Todd Lawrence and Heather Shirey, Urban Art Mapping and George Floyd and Anti-Racist Street Art Archive
- Marina Llorente
- Josh MacPhee, Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative
- Penelope Rosemont
- Rommy Torrico
My contact at PM Press also suggested Lincoln Cushing and Crimethinc. Ex-Workers’ Collective, both of whom I have followed for years.
Here is the table of contents to date. Essays will each run 500-1,500 words, depending on the topic, etc.
- “Takin’ It to the Streets & Stickin’ It to the Man,” introduction, Tedford
- 1910s-80s, IWW “silent agitators” or “stickerettes,” Tedford
- 1960s-70s, “U.S. Out of the War in Vietnam,” Tedford
- 1960s-70s, “Watergate: The Proof Increases Everyday” (Richard M. Nixon), Kevin Howley
- 1960s-70s, “The Surrealist Political Stickers of Franklin and Penelope Rosemont,” Penelope Rosemont
- 1980s, “I’d Rather Be Smashing Imperialism,” Lincoln Cushing
- 1980s-90s, “Silence = Death” Avram Finkelstein + AIDS stickers, Tedford
- 1989-90s, “‘Tips for Men’ Stickers of Sister Serpents Radical Feminist Art Collective,” Jen Hoyer
- 2000s, “No Intel Inside” (George W. Bush) Kevin Howley
- 2000s, “This Phone is Tapped,” CrimethInc. Ex-Workers’ Collective
- 2008, “Barack Obama + Sticker Robot,” Tedford
- 2010s-20s “Contra la Violencia Machista: Fighting Violence Against Women in Spain,”Marina Llorente
- 2010s-20s, “Germany’s Football Club St. Pauli: The Pirates of the League,” Tedford
- 2010s, “Trumping Hope,” Kevin Howley
- 2020s, “Welcome to Minneapolis: Protest Stickers and the 2020 Uprising,” Todd Lawrence and Heather Shirey
- 2020s, Slavers of New York (Ada Reso, Maria Robles, and Elsa Eli Waithe), Tedford
- 2024, “¡No al Genocidio! Spanish Stickers in Solidarity with Palestine,” John Collins
- 2024, “About ‘SHUT RIKERS: A Brief History of Political Graphics in 15 Stickers’,” Josh MacPhee
- “Sticker Hootenanny” featuring several contemporary artists