Pegatinas writing assignment – featured SLU student research – Jamie Abraham ‘15

The fall 2013 pegatinas final writing writing assignment for Dr. Marina Llorente’s ESP 439 seminar Literatura, cine y cultura en la España contemporànea went really well. Having the students first annotate the images made a big difference. Students were also given the chance to submit preliminary drafts of their work to get feedback on their writing. The students who annotated images, conducted additional research, and revised their writing subsequently aced the assignment. During the upcoming week, I am going to post examples from several students to be able to show others this process of writing about stickers. Today’s featured student…

Mid-term elections/exhibition update/Arthur Rothstein

I had to delete the picture of the roundworm in my recent post.  It was a visual buzzkill, and there’s no need to keep it in the valuable Stickerkitty archive.  Hmmm.  With recent posts regarding road kill, roundworms, and parasites, it must be the time for mid-term elections. On a brighter note, the street art exhibition is coming along well.  My photographs are in and being framed.  Bridget is fine-tuning her FB installation.  Kat is working on text panels.  I need to hear from Charlie.  The exhibition card went to the printer yesterday!!! This weekend, I’ll start to put together…

Berlin Day One

Keeping track of where I was, is, and will be.  Yesterday I walked a loop from Greifswalder, right onto Danzinger, right onto Landsberger Allee, which turned into Platz de Vereinten Nationen, whch turned into Mollstrasse, which turned into Greifswalder again.  Lots of political stickers, mostly for antifa demonstrations, one for Warmlaufen fuer den Widerstand – Atomkraft Kaltstellen!  One for a demonstration on November 12 in Berlin that says “Freiheit statt Angst, stoppt den uberwachungswahn,” which translates into “Freedom not Fear, Stop the Surveillance.” I found one sticker referring to a controversy regarding Thor Steiner clothing that you can read about…