This is one of the gummed labels from the Vietnam War-era “night raiders” that I wrote about in a previous post. It seems fitting after the recent tragedy in Newtown, CT.
“My lack of courage…”
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Stickers, aufkleber, street art, political posters, des affiches, ephemera
This is one of the gummed labels from the Vietnam War-era “night raiders” that I wrote about in a previous post. It seems fitting after the recent tragedy in Newtown, CT.
The title of my paper is “WTF. It’s Only A Sticker.”
Couldn’t make it tonight to the La La La Human Steps dance performance at the NAC in Ottawa, which is so disappointing. I signed up for the NAC series this past year esp. to see La La La Human Steps. Edouard Lock and Mark Morris are my two favorite choreographers, and La La La’s Human Sex is one of the most riveting videos I’ve come across. (I’ve never seen the piece performed live, unfortunately). I was able to attend a performance at the NAC by Louise Lacavalier last fall, though – Locke’s principle dancer. Phenomenal. When I worked at the…
Kitty is pretty darned tired and parched after riding around Berlin on a rented bicycle for the past couple of days. At the end of each day, I say to myself, “This is the last sticker! Keep riding!” And then on my way back to the hotel yesterday, I rode past a sticker that said “Unverschämtheit! Nazizombies auf den Straßen? Tote haben nicht zu laufen.” Screetch! Pull over. My fancy high-end Mac F12 translator (ha, kidding) indicates that it means “Insolence! Nazizombies on the roads? Dead do not have to run.” Hard to pass by that one. This happens all…
MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow has been doing a fine job explaining what’s happening at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility. It’s all confusing, for sure, but her coverage has been helpful to make sense of the grave problems there – that seawater can’t keep the spent fuel pools cool enough and that the fuel rods themselves might very well overheat and melt down. What was striking tonight, tho, in contrast, was to see and hear Canada’s CBC coverage, which focused on the workers who are keeping the plant in operation and the tens or more likely hundreds of thousands others who have…
“There’s still plenty of time for something ugly to happen, and everybody knows how thin is the line separating patriotism, which is a pride that seeks no enemies, and nationalism, which does.” (From an article in The New York Times, “Europa: World Cup and politics, violence and friendship,” by Richard Bernstein, June 15, 2006.) It’s pretty quiet out there. Nothing – not a whisper – from Glenn Beck. Sarah Palin’s “Take Back the 20” Web site has been scrubbed. Even FB rests tonight.
Keepin’ it safe on the DL. More next week.
No sticker action today.