“White Power” and “Good Night White Pride” stickers

This was the first photo I took in Berlin when I was there in August 2012.  Although simplified, the cross and circle reminded me of the “white pride” symbol I’ve seen online from white supremacist groups like Stormfront and others. The sun cross symbol is often associated with neo-Nazi groups, and the Anti-Defamation League refers to it as a hate symbol called the Celtic Cross or Odin’s Cross.  The ADL has a Web site called Hate on Display, which I’ve been using as a reference to figure out what’s going on in certain stickers I pick up.  The ADL makes…

New (old) stickers for archive

Today I found ten German political stickers dating from 2004 that I hadn’t yet scanned and catalogued.  The stickers were included in The Gallery Has a Posse: Contemporary Sticker Art, an exhibition at SLU in 2006 that featured stickers primarily from the United States.  I had forgotten about these other ones, however.  I know I sound like a broken record, but finding these older stickers only confirms the importance of creating a sticker archive. I’ve also decided to abandon A Sticker A Day.  It’s too casual.  I’d rather show stickers less often in Stickerkitty, but when I do with more…

Berlin trip 09-12: M99 stickers and others

M99 in Berlin-Kreuzberg had another 40 or more new protest stickers today, which amazes me every time I go there.  I went in late April and picked up a bunch of stickers, and four months later, so many new designs.  If I were to try to categorize, the new stickers are less old school photo-collage and more cartoon-ish and digital, perhaps made in Photoshop or inDesign like the ones in the lower left of the photo below. I also went to Red Stuff around the corner to see their stickers, but unlike last time, they wouldn’t let me take any…

May Day in Berlin 2012

I’ve picked up a bunch of stickers for May Day in the last few days, which is one of the reasons I chose to come to Berlin at this time of year (that plus a cheap ticket!).  On Monday, April 30, starting at 2:00 is Das Antikapitalistische Walpurgisnacht, a rally and “Reclaim Da Streets” concert in Wedding.  A march begins at 6:00.  More about the various activities and events can be found here, on the Indymedia Web site here, and SDAJ Berlin Web site here. On May 1, Kreuzburg will hold its annual Labor Day festival with concerts on several…

Thor Steinar storefront in Friedrichsain and other protests

I took an early evening bike ride on Thursday, this time southeast from Greifswalder Strasse along Danzinger, which functions sort of like a ring road.  Danzinger turns into Petersburger Strasse, and as I approached Frankfurter Tor, I noticed a couple of good-looking stickers on an electrical pole, but as I got closer, I could see they were covered with paint.  Looking around further, I saw a storefront with shattered and taped up windows, and in fact, the entire building façade and sidewalk below had been splashed with several layers of pink paint. The shop was a Thor Steinar outlet, a…

Walpurgisnacht, or Walpurgis Night

Arrived in Berlin safe and sound yesterday morning, slept, and spent a couple of hours in the late afternoon walking a loop around Prenzlauer Berg from Greifswalder Strasse up to Danzinger Strasse and back on Stredzkistrasse.  I collected about 60 stickers in just a few hours, mostly political and a bunch announcing May Day-related strikes and demonstrations.  The one below is for an anti-capitalist strike in Wedding on Walpurgisnacht, or Walpurgis Night, with several events listed here.  Walpurgis Night is a traditional pagan spring festival celebrated April 30 or May 1, six months from Halloween, in which huge bonfires are…

T/err/ouristen raus!

Tourism and gentrification are on the rise in Berlin, with an estimated 20 million overnight stays in 2010 reaping nine billion Euros.  And the city hopes to grow that number to 30 million, according to the German newspaper, der Spiegel, which will make Berlin the third largest destination point in Europe after London and Paris.  In the past ten years, entire districts, especially in the former east Berlin, have been re-defined on the one hand by an influx of foreign tourists, yuppies, and backpackers and a growing number of cheap hostels, open-air bars, restaurants, and clubs, and on the other…

The revolution will be bookmarked.

Which is about as far as I’ve been getting lately.  Lots of bookmarks, printouts, etc., while I bide my time to still my thoughts, focus, and write.  It’s been busy busy at school since I got back from Germany, but I am working on a post about my short trip to Hamburg and the St. Pauli football game the night I arrived (and the related stickers!).  The post is called “Hamburg ist braun weiss” meaning “Hamburg is brown/white,” which is the color of the team’s home jerseys and the text on one of the stickers I picked up.  Other topics…

B2B x 2

B2B = back to blogging! It’s been over a month since my last blog post.  I’ve been a little overwhelmed lately with the flood of information that is available online to the point where I can’t write.  I leave tabs open in Firefox to remember all the cool stuff out there: a new online anarchist archive at the University of Victoria in BC, Canada; a book called OurSpace: Resisting the Corporate Control of Culture; Death and Taxes’s Occupy Wall Street Systematically Ignored by Mainstream Media; AP’s Wall Street protester’s dress as zombies in NYC; Occupy Boston at Dewey Street’s downloadable…