November 9, 2009

The street art scene in Berlin has been superbe this week.  I’ve collected at least 250 stickers, even re-visiting a few streets to find new stickers after a day or two.  There will be much research to do when I get back home.  Neal at the Hotel Greifswald helped yesterday to provide historical and cultural context to some of the political stickers. This place in Kreuzberg had a bunch of original antifa stickers:

Berlin Day Two to Neurotitan

I gave a smiley to Neurotitan last spring, and it is still there, hanging from the ceiling right near the cash register.  I added one of my new MOO cards.  This might indeed bring fame and prosperity.  Ha!  Not!  (Pic to follow–blog is acting up again,)

Berlin Day One

Keeping track of where I was, is, and will be.  Yesterday I walked a loop from Greifswalder, right onto Danzinger, right onto Landsberger Allee, which turned into Platz de Vereinten Nationen, whch turned into Mollstrasse, which turned into Greifswalder again.  Lots of political stickers, mostly for antifa demonstrations, one for Warmlaufen fuer den Widerstand – Atomkraft Kaltstellen!  One for a demonstration on November 12 in Berlin that says “Freiheit statt Angst, stoppt den uberwachungswahn,” which translates into “Freedom not Fear, Stop the Surveillance.” I found one sticker referring to a controversy regarding Thor Steiner clothing that you can read about…


Stickerkitty joined a writing group for peer review and discussion.  Not sure if she can run with the big dogs, or even if she wants to.  But, it’s not good to swat at the paw that feeds you. We’ll give it a go and keep you posted from B-e-r-l-i-n-!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am dreaming about stickers every night.  It’s wild.  Sometimes it’s a sticker frenzy; sometimes there are obstacles along the way (like I’m getting run over by a subway train).  Last night I got lost in a scary neighborhood, trying to get to Kreuzburg, but ended up in some apocalyptic Terminator…

From Berlin: is a new independent street, design, urban art & photography blog. It’s the successor of the german street art blog and was launched on August 14th with an international photo-contest. The Urbanartcore-team will be pleased to present you international news about urban activities, interventions, arts, design, photography and a lot more of fresh thing from the metropolises around the world. Another goal of our blogs is to become a small, international authors-collective. So if you are familiar in urban areas and have some blogging experience, write us! We like: urban art, street art, graffiti, parkour, freerunning,…


I’ve had this sticker on my desk for weeks, and only today did I put 2+2 together to see what is being represented: guys (I assume) in hoodies.  All of a sudden, I realized they look like some of the punks I see on other antifa stickers.  I found the translation for stromausfall to be “blackout.”  Major DUH on my part, but the sticker is superb.  (It is especially Duh since the reproduction here below is so obvious!)  Oh well.  🙂


WordPress is acting up.  Two minutes ago, I can’t type.  Now I can. I’m overwhelmed by how much work I need to do with the Posse database and Stickerkitty blog.  Lately, I’ve been wondering what will be my Life’s Oeuvre (har-de-har) and alas, it sure won’t be Guernica.  Aside from my super-fantastic job at SLU, which I L-O-V-E, it will be the Posse digital collection.  As far as I can tell, it is unique.  Yay.