Kitty is already tired of the dog days of summer

It’s hot down here in NJ, unlike the breezy summers of northern New York, where Kitty flourishes. No stickers today after all. We went instead to see Sacred Art of the Yoruba at the Newark Museum. Beautiful beaded headdresses, plus a warrior’s cape covered with amulets, like the one Chris and Nora Roy donated to SLU. I tried to find a picture of one, but the only one I saw on Google said it was Asante (?). I’ll look around and try to post a picture later. Newark is also cleaning up the downtown area. No street art at all,…

Ordered sticker #2 yesterday from The Sticker Guy!

OK, something VERY WEIRD is going on in Stickerkitty. I have tried five times, yesterday and today, to load a small .jpg of my new sticker #2 to show everyone, and it won’t load! This happy smiley loaded, no problem! Hmm, strange. Every time I try to load it, I get the html to show up, but no picture. Here, I’ll show you. See the narrow rectangle below? That’s supposed to be sticker #2. Boo.

The Gallery Has A Posse (Part I)

This morning during Day Three of the NITLE workshop, I finally finished “The Gallery Has A Posse (Part I)” of my very first real iMovie about my sticker collection. It’s not perfect, but we only had 2 1/2 days to come up with a script and create one or more audio tracks and an image track. I approached the project not so much as “digital storytelling,” but more as an art video, according to the instructor. I ended up shouting my lines for the movie, and I asked everyone involved to shout their lines, too. It was hilarious to record…

NITLE workshop at SLU this week

I’m participating in a 3-day NITLE workshop at SLU this week on creating multimedia digital narratives. Today, we were supposed to have a script by noon and an audio file (or files) completed by the end of the day. The two presenters also provided an intro to iMovie–this all before 5:00 p.m. Bryan and Becca suggested that we use a single audio track, but that didn’t make sense for my project, so instead I ran around asking people to read from a pre-existing text of mine. I now have close to 50 short .mp3 files. I’m using the text from…

Sticker central at the Gallery this summer

I’ve got a couple of SLU students, Kevin Carvill ’10 and Tsewang Lama ’10, archiving my sticker collection this summer. They’ve put everything into archival mylar sleeves and notebooks arranged by date and location. The next step is to figure out which ones to scan and load into CONTENTdm. Question: should I prioritize the best ones (the ones I want to write about?) or just begin at the beginning and assume they’ll all get done? Any suggestions would be great. The CONTENTdm sticker collection is here and click on “Browse” to find “The Gallery Has A Posse.”  I’ve got about…