In 2008, Sticker Robot commissioned ten artists to create stickers for the Obama election; the artists included Shepard Fairey, Munk One, Zoltron, Sam Flores, Morning Breath, El Mac (whose sticker is pictured above), Ron English, Felix Jackson, Jr.,Dustin Parker, and David Choe. I haven’t found too much information about the series yet, but there was an Obama art discussion group on Flickr that featured #9 and #10, and a Web site called Expresso Beans that occasionally shows packets of them for sale. At the time, Sticker Robot wrote this about the packets: In a final effort to show our support…
DE VIGUEUR et DE VERVE! press release
Hatch Kingdom | Stickerkitty International Sticker Exhibition DE VIGUEUR et DE VERVE! Fresh Paint – Peint Frais Edition III Hatch Kingdom, the only sticker museum in the world, has collaborated with Catherine Tedford, a.k.a. Stickerkitty, to present an exhibition of street art stickers and photographs from Berlin and New York City, with additional pieces from cities across Europe and North America. As part of a larger exhibition entitled Edition III, which includes work by contemporary muralists, graffiti artists, photographers, and others, the international sticker exhibition will be on display at Fresh Paint Gallery, Montréal, Québec, from December 2, 2011, through…
Merry Christmas 2009
A few weeks ago, I tracked down A Frightening Prospect, the creators of this powerful street poster that I saw on Houston Street last fall during the weeks surrounding the US Presidential elections. Unfortunately I was driving too fast in rush hour traffic to stop or even take a picture of it. These posters were really difficult to find on the streets, undoubtedly b/c they were such a hot item. The artists kindly donated one to me, however, and I offered to have SLU buy another one for the Permanent Collection.
Obama online
More Shepard Fairey
Ginormous Obama portrait to hang in DC.
eBay Obama stickers
I’ve spent the last couple of days on eBay buying Obama stickers (the ones designed by Shepard Fairey)-the HOPE stickers, plus the “Yes We Did” stickers. Apparently there is an Obama sticker that says PROGRESS that is difficult to find/acquire. There is a bit of Obama-mania regarding Obama ephemera. I saw a Web site today with Obama on every magazine cover that one could imagine, which would be a very cool exhibition–all of the posters, stickers, magazine covers, etc. Oh, and Eric Nakamura wrote a story on street art during the 2008 campaigns in Giant Robot. Can’t wait to pick…
Yes We Did.
I’ve been picking up Obama stickers and ephemera lately. Love the new YES WE DID sticker from Shepard Fairey, which oddly enough, I can’t find anywhere on Google images. Weird. They’re all over eBay.
Sarah Palin street art, NYC
Slim pickins’ in NYC today
Four hours this afternoon scavenging in the lower east side yielded few new stickers and next to nothing in terms of political stickers regarding the 2008 election. I got a great sticker about Sarah Palin, but really, during the entire day we saw only 1-2 stickers about McCain and 1-2 about Obama. There was an Obey-like wheatpasted poster of Palin that I’ll post a picture of later. Very tasty.
A post-election daze
Oh boy. I’m still reeling from last week’s election. God bless the United States of America for electing Barack Obama to be our 44th American President. I really wish my Dad could have been alive to see this happen. He’d be all proud and puffed up, but also humble==the American Civil Rights movement defined him as a young man, and I hope that he is able to see this happening from wherever he is. We have a new SLU CONTENTdm sticker ninja on board, however–Alex Collins!! Alex will be helping with metadata for now. W00t! For a good read, check…